The College offers a number of RCI approved Courses on both face-to-face and distance education mode
About us
K. Velayudhan Memorial Trust, registered on 13th May 1983 with the objective of providing relief and solace to the poor and needy, mainly in Charitable and Education field. The emphasis is on Health Education, Welfare of Women, Children and Other Weaker sections of the society including Disable, Retarded and Discarded as well as Higher education in science and technology.

Our Services
The K V M College of Special Education is an organization under the K V M Trust, and is recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), New Delhi. The College was established in 2001. The primary objective of the College is personnel preparation in special education. The College also offers home-based and center-based special education and rehabilitation services to children and youth with special education needs. Within a few years of its existence, the College received in 2004 a “Very Good Performance” citation from the Assessment and Accreditation Committee of the RCI.