About KVM College of Special Education
An Exciting Place to Learn Special Education And Make a Difference in the Life of a Child!
The K V M College of Special Education is an organization under the K V M Trust, and is recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), New Delhi. The College was established in 2001. The primary objective of the College is personnel preparation in special education. The College also offers home-based and center-based special education and rehabilitation services to children and youth with special education needs. Within a few years of its existence, the College received in 2004 a “Very Good Performance” citation from the Assessment and Accreditation Committee of the RCI.
Disability Focus
The College is focusing on providing special education and related services to children and youth with the following disabling conditions: intellectual disability (mental retardation), cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, behaviour disorders, and at-risk category.
- We envision a world where education promotes a person’s potential in acting for upliftment of the society.
- Integration of teaching and learning.
- Leadership in service and outreach.
- Adapt as needed to serve an expanding and identified special education population.
- Prepare outstanding educators.
- Advance the profession of education through application of clinical processes.
- Provide individualised services for children with special needs to help them utilise opportunities to attain success in life.
- Improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families by developing and disseminating essential skills, knowledge, and values through research, teaching, and service.
The College offers the following services
Sensory Integration Lab
Early Intervention for At-Risk Infants (0 – 6 Years)
Home-Based Special Education & Rehabilitation
Center-Based Special Education & Rehabilitation
Psychology Lab
Behaviour Management and Support
Community-Based Rehabilitation and Special Education